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The Fourth Medium Term Plan (MTP IV),

The government has launched a masterplan that will accelerate Kenya's progress towards becoming "a newly-industrialising, middle income country providing a high quality of life to all its citizens in a clean and secure environment" by the year 2030.
The Fourth Medium Term Plan (MTP IV), which will guide the final phase of the Kenya Vision 2030, runs from 2023-2027, and is aimed at harmonizing the implementation of various programmes and projects meant to increase money in wananchi's pockets and improve standards of living.
CS Kithure Kindiki presided over the official opening of a stakeholder engagement forum in Marsabit for key players to prioritize the planned development programmes/projects for the county.
The overall idea is to align the County Integrated Development Plans (CIDPs) of all the 47 counties with the MTP IV and the Bottom Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA), with a focus on increasing investments in strategic sectors, key among them agriculture, health, housing, and the digital economy.
The event was attended by Marsabit Governor Mohamud Ali and Principal Secretary for ASALs Kello Harsama among other senior government officials.