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National Government Administration

Secretary, National Administration

National Government Administrative Officers are an administrative and institutional framework established under the National Government Coordination Act and Chiefs Act for co-ordination of national government functions at the national and county levels of governance.

  • Coordinate the development, implementation and review of policies, guidelines, strategies, legislations, regulations, plans, standards, norms and frameworks on field service;
  • Promote Nationhood and Statehood in service delivery;
  • Co-ordinate National Government business, programmes and projects in the Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Counties;
  • Coordinate dissemination and interpretation of National Government policies to the citizens through public engagements and barazas;
  • Facilitate creation and operationalization of national government administrative units in the Counties;
  • Oversee and coordinate Chiefs affairs;
  • Spearhead public participation through collaborations and dialogues targeting relevant stakeholders;
  • Co-ordinate state functions and Government reception services;
  • Spearhead monitoring and evaluation of National Government projects and programmes in MDACs; 
  • Facilitate settlement of disputes and resolution of conflicts through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanism;
  • Implement effective complaints management and handling mechanisms and frameworks;
  • Coordinate dissemination and reporting on implementation of Presidential Directives;
  • Establish linkages with relevant development partners for effective public service delivery;
  • Coordinate inter-departmental committees’ on administrative matters;
  • Coordinate research, documentation and innovation on field services; and;
  •  Spearhead Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) in the Division